Friday 8 June 2012

How Virtualization Works and What it Does

Virtualization is now offered not only bigger companies, but also by small or medium sized companies. But how this Virtualization works and what it does. We have published various articles on Virtualization, this article explains two basic questions :
  • How Virtualization Works
  • What Virtualization Does

How Virtualization Works

We have previously discussed about basics of server  Technology in an previous article.�The reduction in hardware prices and the presence of open source software making this technology increasingly affordable and if it is properly used, it can offer us more choices of operating systems ,while lowering the costs and bringing a greater control over our infrastructure. The major need to deploy the technology is dependent on type of processor (Tips : Read this post on the capable processors.) – the deployment of Virtualization is dependent on processor core – deployment differs from x86 and x64 processor.�A hypervisor or Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) is a virtualization software , which provides an environment for virtual machines created. Quite obviously, in order to manage the whole system, a specialized software is needed.

Read more: What Virtualization Does

Monday 28 May 2012

What is Cloudpaging and How it Works ?

Cloudpaging is based on Virtualization technology, where the applications are pre-virtualized, encrypted and split into pieces. System intense Apps or Games can take the advantage. We wrote about Cloud Gaming before. Cloud Gaming can take the advantage of Cloudpaging.

To read more-

Cloudpaging : What is Cloudpaging and How it Works

Wednesday 23 May 2012

What is a router ?

Network Equipment's :

These three components are used to connect computers together and create networks. For that, we must be able to connect to computers using Ethernet cables RJ45 or USB cables. It is also possible to connect to WiFi.

To read more-

What are hub, switch and router